
the Marriage

Whether you have been married for two days, two years or two decades, your marriage will take work. You have to understand how to design your marriage for success, how to navigate around the landmines and how to refresh, renew and revitalize your marriage when necessary.

  • "Marriage is not a contract."

    Marriage is not a contract between two individuals. It is a covenant, which according to Webster’s is a solemn and binding agreement! Your marriage is a covenant between you and your spouse where you have folded your identities into this one new union… ”for better or worse.”

  • "You do not know my spouse."

    Now you might think, “You do not know my spouse.” That is right; I do not, but I know God’s design for marriage. If you will live according to God’s design and not expect your spouse to meet your needs, but instead, step out and commit to meet his or her needs, God will bless your marriage, your relationship will have peace, and you can prevent the marital meltdown.