Last Call Suicide: An Unfinished Life Book

Last Call Suicide:

An Unfinished Life

On August 1, 2007, Pastor John Mark Caton was heading home from work when he noticed multiple missed messages from his brother, James. He quickly sensed a looming problem as he returned the call. This would be the “Last Call” he would ever have with his brother, who took his life early the next morning.

There are more and more people who are struggling with depression. “Last Call” is offered at no charge as a resource and a personal testimony of the hurt that suicide leaves behind and encouragement found in Scripture.

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Although suicide ranks low on the list of books I would prefer to write, it consistently ranks high as a leading cause of death in the United States,” said Caton. “My personal experience of the pain associated with losing a loved one from suicide compels me to write as I join many others on the journey to healing.